Board Meeting Agenda October 19th, 2023

Nicollet Island East Bank

Neighborhood Association

October 19, 2023

Annual Community Meeting 

Proposed  Agenda


  1. 5 pm - Welcome – Barry Clegg, President
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Report from Council Member Michael Rainville
  4. Consideration of Proposed Bylaw Change – Change would require the President to be a resident member (as opposed to  being a business member).
  5. Report of Nominations Committee (for Board positions)
  6. Election of Board of Directors – Interested new candidates should fill out an application form and, if possible, submit 24 hours prior to the meeting, nominations from the floor will also be permitted

  Brett Kistner

Lee Munnich, Jr.

Roberta Swanson

Open seat   

Open seat

Open seat

  1. Five minutes of fame – hear from new businesses in the neighborhood

Silver Fern

Zhora Darling

  1. University Avenue Partnership – Report on potential merger discussions with nearby neighborhoods (Marcy Holmes, Southeast Como and Prospect Park)
  2. Main Street Mural – Report on mural project (on blank wall adjacent to Riverplace)
  3. 3rd Ave / Central Ave Bridge Opening – Hear update on bridge opening and celebration, request for volunteers
  4. Urban Ecosystems Update – Hear about Phase 2 report and next steps
  5. Adjourn