NIEBNA Board Meeting Agenda
5:30 - 7:00 pm, September 21, 2023
HYBRID Zoom and at Pivo
ZOOM Link -
Preliminaries (Barry)
Welcome & Introductions
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes of August Board Meeting
Presentation & Reports
Approve Financial Report and Dashboard Finance Report (Lisa)
- MPD - Inspector Nick Torborg ; Crime Prevention Specialist Teila Zoller; 'Embedded' Social Worker, April Smith - all new promotions to 2nd Precinct.
University Partnership Committee (Barry)
- Mural Update (Carol)
- Report from bylaws review committee.
Update on Comms/Social Media strategy (Denise and Chris)
3rd Avenue Bridge Opening Celebration (John)
- NIEBNA.VISION/Urban Ecosystems Update (Brett)
Actions & Discussions
- Meeting schedule for the remainder of the year
Bylaws Amendment
- Officer Eligibility Change
- Assess total number of current board seats
- Motion/Vote/Process – does this need to be done at a community meeting?
Board Re-elections in October and formation of nominations committee
Brett Kistner October 2023
Denise Holt October 2023
Lee Munnich Jr October 2023
VACANT Vice President
Roberta Swanson October 2023
Next meeting is our Community Meeting at Riverplace:
Thursday, October 19th from 5-7pm