Notice of Plan Modification Vote: NIEBNA Proposal for a Neighborhood Placemaking Program

You are invited to a Community Vote on a proposed neighborhood priority:



The Board of Directors of the Nicollet Island-East Bank Neighborhood Association (NIEBNA) would like to create a city-recognized neighborhood priority that will build a coherent identity for the Nicollet Island/East Bank community. This placemaking effort is intended to not only bring our ever-increasing population closer together with our unique business environment, it’s also meant to draw new residents and entrepreneurs to this distinct urban neighborhood just steps from the Mississippi River.


Community members from the Nicollet Island and East Bank neighborhoods are invited to NIEBNA’s upcoming Membership meeting on Thursday, January 21, 2021 to discuss and vote on this proposed priority. To attend this online meeting, you must register here:


The creation of a city-recognized priority—and allocation of city funds over $25,000—through the city’s Neighborhood & Community Relations department requires a 21-day notice.


Priority: Neighborhood Placemaking Program


To promote consistent, positive interactions between all residents, business and property owners, and the workers and guests who frequent the neighborhood. Increase community awareness of the neighborhood organization through the development and implementation of a concise identity and communications strategy.

Amount Requested:  



$39,788.49 — unspent CPP Reserve funds

$10,211.51 — unspent CPP #43364 Rollover funds

Types of Activities:

  • Solidification of business district name / branding
  • Digital & Non-Digital Communication Planning and Strategy (internal to the neighborhood and external to the broader population)
  • Community Events & Promotional Planning (funds cannot be used for food or entertainment)
    • Including, but not limited to, Adopt-a-Street, Adopt-a-Block, National Night Out, other greening events
  • Street Signage / Banners Design, Fabrication and Installation
    • Including, but not limited to, gateway markers, pole banners, window clings



Other items on the meeting agenda are currently being finalized and will be announced in the coming two weeks.

For questions about this notice, or the intent behind this proposal, please contact NIEBNA Executive Director Chris Lautenschlager at [email protected] or 612.623.7633